Experimenting with the LomoApparat in Kerala

During December and January I travelled to Kerala State in India with my new purchase, a LomoApparat camera.

Lomography LomoApparat 35mm Wide Angle 21mm Camera

This 35mm Film camera is a great experimental Low cost Wide Angle piece to add to your Kit. it’s a really Lightweight so is great to pop in your tote bag, it has some cool accessories such as colour filters and a Kaleidoscope overlay to enable creation of some pretty interesting Photographs.

Above are some of the snaps I took with Kodak Professional Portra 800 Film stock and processed myself in my Home Laundry using the DIY Cinestill C41 Colour Chemical Kit.

Some of the photos were taken from a Tuk Tuk, A House Boat, Low Light, while walking through the city. This is a perfect pop the camera out, lens cap off and photograph a moment for anyone wanting to Shoot film and enjoys LoFi type shots.

The camera captures photos at 1/100 speed so having a sturdy hand and space to capture from is a good idea. There is a Bulb Mode which would be best outside of hands and on a tripod and also has an inbuilt flash.

35mm Film Photograph of a Tuk Tuk taken from a Tuk Tuk

Images did have a bit of distortion/Fogging from the multiple airport scanners they travelled through so top tip would be to stay an extra few days wherever you are located and head to get your film developed before travelling through airports.

This is a camera that I will be using consistently for personal projects and I’m excited to share results with you.


Cactus Bloom